
what if i tell you i have a 1mbps internet speed, and i'm not using it alone, and in two weeks i'll only have a 512 kbps internet speed which will be divided by two in the best case?

  • 7
    I remember when a 56k line would serve an entire university!
  • 1
    @spl0 hail old timer!
  • 0
    @spl0 im not talking old times, im talking "real time", now, im writhing this comment with that 1mbps used by me, my brother and my dad, imagine if someone plays a video...
  • 2
    Stop you're making me sad
  • 1
    @Tonyobyo91 if this is making you sad, what do you think it's making me?
  • 0
    @walid Sort your network out so you have priority! #qos
  • 0
    @spl0 it would be unfair, but i think i'll end up doing it
  • 0
    @walid Not unfair - you use it for work.
  • 2
    Nope... I would live in a coffee shop.
  • 4
    <spits out cereal at 175Mbps>
  • 1
    Is it a volume based connection ?
  • 1
    Were are you living? Why can't you get a higher speed?
    I'll miss my 900mbps connection when I'll move from my current place..
  • 0
    @hiestaa 900? i don't even dream abt that :'( ...i live somewhere called Algeria... i'll tell you even more f*cked up shit abt that place in other rants, but 900 ? fml :'(
  • 1
    @mrUnfused no volume based, a monthly subscription... the 512 kbps is basically a 4G LTE volume based internet connection... u get 1Gb OF "high speed (20 mbps max if no one is on the network) internet" than "unlimited" 512kbps for the rest of the month... to make it more "f*cked up" : the sim card they give you don't work on phone only with their modem, and it only connects to the antenna of the place where you bought it... not finished yet : due to overload of the antenna if you turn off the modem it won't get any signal after turning it on again unless someone else turns off his modem... lucky me i live in a campus and there is a "cold war of cutting electricity for others to get my modem connected" -_- FML
  • 0
    @walid oh..bit frustrating story about the connection. Wish you all the best anyway😃
  • 0
    @mrUnfused thanks, it's not frustrating, it's reality i have to deal with every damn day... :'(
  • 0
    @walid wow didn't think internet could be that bad there... But I sure hope you guys get to give a try to the optic fiber connection sometimes soon! It goes hard on the HDD to write all that data coming down. Good luck in the meantime bro
  • 0
    @hiestaa what if i tell you it's fiber optic, it's not about technology or infrastructure... it's about the ISP, itcs the only one on the market :/
  • 0
    @walid those damn monopolies, never works well for people. That's crazy a bitrate that low with optic fiber!
  • 0
    @hiestaa yeah, and the highest bitrate you can get is 8 mbps for a fortune a month, not to mention the daily cuts, DNS/servers overload problems... and ppl here still think it's normal and we have good internet, this just piss me off
  • 1
    I remember waiting for a youtube video to fill the buffer with my friends so it can play a bit longer until it stops again
  • 0
    @electrineer when was that?
  • 0
    @walid maybe 2005 or 2006
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