
What a shit day, wasted 5 hours because the fucking temperature sensor of this goddamn turbine engine won't work, which in turn prevents the engine from starting up at all.
Why does shit fail whenever you need it the most? We had 45L of kerosene we had to burn, and now we'll have to move it somewhere else for the whole summer instead, and send the engine away to have it fixed (which means a whole lot of time and money wasted).

Fuck's sake, the one thing that had never let me down so far... we even made a brand new test stand just for the occasion :(

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    @theKarlisK what about the remaining 25L though? 🤔
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    @Bitwise hehehe that would be nice indeed!
    To be honest, I would like to try my hand at it (most likely it's just repositioning the thermocouple into its socket properly), but Jetcat doesn't like people opening up their engines, and they refuse to service your stuff if they find out you did that.

    Guess I'll have to email them first and see what they say about it :/
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    @Bitwise to be fair it was an easy diagnosis, since the EGT reading stays flat at 0°C throughout the whole ignition process 🤣
    It's quite a stupid design on their side too, since the thermocouple wire is exposed near the nozzle, making it very easy to bend or damage accidentally
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