
Is it still worth to learn RoR today ? Why ? Why not ?

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    Your question is about as relevant as asking.

    Is it worth for me to learn football? Why? Why not?

    Whilst not providing any other details.

    The answer is yes.
    The answer is no.

    If you don't know why you want to learn something. Maybe don't.

    If you know why you want to learn something. Maybe do it.

    There are no right answers and I fucking hate this question. Are you so God damn insecure that you need to ask for approval before even trying? Just do what you want to do and don't care to much about what others think.
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    @BigBoo that’s your opinion.
    I’m just curious and I want some feedback, on the Ruby ecosystem.
    What’s your opinion about RoR ?
    How it is to work with in prod ?
    That’s the kind of question I have.
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    @Maartz What I said was. Try it out. Just go for it. You will never learn anything objective with these type of questions. Just toxic and biased opinions.

    Want to learn what it is like in production? Produce something with it.
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    I guess you're asking this to know if companies still use it in production. Yes, a lot of them do. But since, ruby isn't very fast, requests served per second on rails is relatively low, compared to any elixir or go framework. RoR is very easy to learn and work with. I'd rather use it as a prototyping tool. If you want to learn something that gets you a job, rails is good. Github and gitlab require rails in their available jobs requirements section.
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    Okay so it’s explains why startups likes to use RoR.
    Thanks for you answer !
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    RoR is a really nice framework in my opion.
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