I can promise you all this... Artificial Intelligence’ silicone valley... will not be in California, the industry will be in west Michigan... instead of the and valleys beaches of California it will be the hills and lake shores of Lake Michigan... true artificial intelligence of the movies will be “born” there. The liberal developers and hipster coders can stay out in California.. while the rest of us will be over her in Michigan. I promise you this will happen, give it 10 years

  • 2
    On what basis? Is there a nascent AI industry in the region?
  • 3
    Why does it have to be in the States? China's way further ahead than we are on this front and have applied it on a national scale already
  • 0
    Well we have the mobile industry of Grand Rapids, and holland.. automotive in Detroit the mobile developers there too.
    More and more tech industries moving to West Michigan ... you got Chicago on Lake Michigan too and their tech industry... tellin ya, the research we doing out here with my groups the AI we been waiting will come from this region. The motivation and drive out here is sooo much stronger. Screw the Silicon Valley hiplibralsters
  • 1
    The only thing we've used AI for at a large, practical level so far is for mass surveillance.
  • 1
    @theKarlisK marketing definitely
  • 1
    @theKarlisK and don’t forget the new application of it: windows updates bOom baby
  • 1

    if (user.isNotOnComputer = true) update()

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