Who thought it be a good idea to use "<!---->" for comments rather than "//".

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    W3C guys
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    @Alice i mean i understand most of the syntax requires it but considering most languages use " //" i think it makes sense to use it. Unless ofcourse there is another reason.
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    @techno848 // comments only one line
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    HTML Programmers...
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    Think how much pain it would have caused in the long run. Esp these days when some pages are one liners. Also <! - - suits the general style more I suppose.
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    Please don't tell me you don't minify your pages.
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    Havent worked much with web technologies@PrivateGER
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    </ comment />
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    /**/ this is also sorta common inother languages @rookiemaverick
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    @norman70688 mind blown
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    Uhh commenting html?
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    Why not :3@devTea
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    @devTea I comment my HTML quite a bit. It's really helpful when you're looking at stuff for the first time in a couple months to get an idea of what your original thought process is. Obviously there's no logic that needs explaining but that doesn't mean comments are unnecessary
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    Well for instance...

    <a href="//something.com/my/asset.{format}”>Something</a> would not work here :D
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    I like how the rant turned against OP.

    Seriously, it looks like you said the first thing it came up your mind, without thinking WHY it is that way..
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    <div>// Why do you even question this?</div>

    Long story short: Markup vs Code
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    Rather use a #
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    <a href="#">#rant-tag</a>
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    @xewl oh shucks!
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    @taglia its a rant, plus i am interested in the reason behind it as well
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    @TylerDurden thats not how you rant
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    @Phlisg aaah i get it.
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    @jespersh i just meant the one used in html is hard to use at least for me
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    @techno848 if you don't know something, you have to do a research to improve your knowledge, not ranting about it.
    Just saying..
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    @taglia didnt know this was stackoverflow, its not meant to be technically right.
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    Well from your context it sounded like you hate html comment and ask why isn’t it // instead
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    @devTea i mean i get it but its just hard to use so i dont like it or you could say i am used to the other more common way of doing it, legit didnt even think before posting i think thats how you rant :p ?
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    Shortcut for line or block comment.
    Seriously why complaining about that ?
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    @techno848 what ide did you used? There should be a shortcut to block a text and make it a comment
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    Aah never used that, i am actually working with the d3js library to display ireland's map so ofcourse there is some html, i am not using any IDE but visual studio code. @devTea
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    Vscode shortcut for commenting a block is ctrl+k+c
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    You learn new things everyday xD @devTea
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    Who comments by hand? Learn the shortcut. Ctrl / in intellij for example. Also jsx comments are probably the worst lol
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