
Ever played that game "guess where I added that CSS ;)"

  • 2
    Chrome inspector should show you, unless you're doing some kind of preprocessing step that messes that up completely?
  • 2
    @HollowKitty not me... I need to fix other team's code. They usually place it inline the template, in the WordPress css editor, a separate css file somewhere in the server, in some function.php, in scss... Or wherever they feel like it. On inspector, it could show up in a separate css file, or in the head or end of body of the source code.
  • 7
    @litdane Oh, other people's code... I'm so sorry dude.
  • 3
    @HollowKitty lol I guess some people become programmers just to torture other programmers, like the job itself isn't hell enough
  • 3
    Every rule goes in the style tag, flagged with !important. Problem solved!
  • 2
    @Kaji ultimatum - inline JavaScript to change the CSS in those tags
  • 0
    Ctrl+f gives you godmode
  • 0
    My last rant should give you the answer... :p
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