Just saw a video based on the idea : what if the earth was a global country?
A provoking thought. If a 5000 people at google can control 3.5 billion people's data,
can we make a stable democratic government of a million(or more) politicians controlling the whole world's legislature?

Does this thought have a future? Since we are all connected by internet and simply moving towards a global village like environment, courtesy of softwares like fb or what's app, i think we would one day be ready to remove the boundaries .

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    Who would we have a war against then?
  • 5
    The problem with a unified Earth government is that it is an unwieldy size to manage effectively. So in the end you’re back to breaking it down into countries, which will pick and choose what directives to follow, as well as continue to snipe at their traditional enemies (cf. The UN). You could try to avert this by arbitrarily breaking the earth up into grid squares or some such, but even then it fails to take into account different languages, customs, etc.
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    On a more fun and technical note, however, anyone who isn’t familiar with it should check out how Mongolia’s addressing system for its desert regions works. It’s one case where the grid square idea actually works pretty well.
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    @Kaji Thank you for writing pretty much the idea I was to lazy to write. The current nations are almost as efficient as it could get in the best case.
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    If your world government turns totalitarian, where do you escape to?

    At least North Koreans have a chance to flee.
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    i agree in parts to @Kaji. The greatest enemy of great nations is greed, it doesnt need the greed of the people in the gouvernment, it can be the greed of multiple comoanies that produce weapons or the greed of an single person.

    But before an "World state" can be formed, we need an enemy or an other greater cause. the history shows that fear of something can be used to unite people, but it can be used to start wars or to cause an genozide.
  • 1
    You wake up at 4 AM?
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    It will happen when we found other planet to colonize or aliens come to us for colony.
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