
hi, i have a question of a darker note, hope you won't mind.

How do you deal with monotony at work ?
The more experienced i get, the more my work becomes monotonous. I understand that it's impossible to know everything, but i feel as if there's not that much knowledge left for everyday work.
Sure there will always be new scenarios and more advanced/marginal stuff, but they don't appear that often.
i get depressed (not clinically, just very bad state overall) when i stop learning, which is why i've been strugling quite a bit recently.

i have ~3 years in web dev. So i'm not some kind of guru or anything even close, but this is the problem i have right now.

i've been thinking about switching languages or specialisation (i do enjoy DevOps/sysadmin work), but i'm afraid i'll have the same problem pretty soon...

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    You could switch the work place which uses a different stack to mix the things up.
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    Why are you still at this job if you're not enjoying the work and you're not learning anything new? There are lots of other jobs out there that'll make you learn something new.
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    yeah, did that. I'm now in my 5th employment during those 3 years :D i'm afraid a new stack is a temporary solution.
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    There are so many areas programmers are needed, you could look into getting into one of the other areas. Ive done full stack web for a year and feel the same way, that said I like to always have a hobby project or two going in totally seperate areas of programming so I can atleast continue to develop my skillsets.
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    And the funny thing is that i did learn a few new things in this new workplace (been at it for 1.5 months now), but they were also temporary and now i'm back at doing the usual things...
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    Side project time!
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    @jeeper If you have the time, I agree with this. I find that both "keep learning" and good pay in a job is kinda hard to optimise for. I opt for side-contracting to keep it interesting, and optimise for good pay in the day job. Automate some of the monotony away if possible.
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    i did think about a sideproject, but it's still the same thing, just different idea. Maybe a bit more motivation behind, but i don't even have an idea for such a project (too big of sceptic...).
    I'm thinking that it may be time to leave programming altogether, but i really love the problem solving and thinking about solutions and making everything as effective as possible... not a lot of other areas to express those in...
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    @Anookas try game development on the side
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    @pionell Did that, quite a few unfinished projects. Love C++ but can't stand how much work is necessary to create even a simple game. Even with engines.
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    @Anookas try defold, cocos2d, godot
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    Thanks, but i think i'll pass...
    getting back to the topic, is it just me that finds the monotony unbearable ? is changing tech stack / having a side project enough for you guys ?
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    @Anookas Again for me it comes down to wanting to optimise salary, hours and things like commute and culture. If the others are great then I don't really mind what the task is. I go to work to earn, and I satisfy my other needs out of office hours. For me that works pretty well.
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