java - - version
Unrecognized operation: - - version


java - version
java version "1.x...."


Why Java, WHY?!?!? 😭

Every other tool uses - - version ❤️

  • 10
    There is a good explanation of how the single and double dash parameter style evolved. You can look it up here :) http://faqs.org/docs/artu/...
  • 15
    Because it is used by more than 3 Billion Devices. ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
  • 2
    @TheCPPanda Thanks for that mate 😄 Hopeful Wayland will terminate X and we'll have only 2 variants + java 😄

    However it doesn't seem as java is on the same evolution trajectory as *nix and GNU.... "java - v" doesn't exist and could have been added by now.

    @canonbolt Sure, more like pissing off more than 1 million developers :)
  • 3
    @canonbolt and for how many years now? 🤔

    Genuine question, they themselves should probably be thinking about using a new catchphrase.
  • 8
    What if it would be
    $ java --version
    Unknown Parameter
    $ java -version
    Unknown Parameter
    $ java /version
    OpenJDK 21...
  • 7
    Meaning that Java isn't very Unix-compatible :)
    Single letter command-line switches are supposed to be like -V (-v is usually to increase command output verbosity) and optionally have a more verbose switch such as --version.

    That said, Java certainly isn't the only one.. don't even get me started on OpenVPN in Windows which uses Unix-style switches but PowerShit (i.e. diarrhea) interprets those switches as something different entirely.. because fucking MICROSHIT!!

    Sorry, I went a bit ahead of myself there :P but nonstandard shit can really infuriate me to no end.
  • 1
    Yep, gets me every now and then as well
  • 2
    java -jar file.jar always confuses me
  • 1
    Java is not like others
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