
When did hackathons become competitions for developing websites, and move away from being competitions for gaining access to network resources (ie: hacking)?

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    Lol I remember in first year serious storm into our class and tell us to register for the upcoming hackathon. Apparently they were organising and didn't have enough teams registered.
    "Even if u don't know anything just register, you'll get exposure"

    none did
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    I guess that's what hackathons have been from start 🤔
    What you're looking for are CTFs

    Depends on how you define the word "hack" though
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    I would argue that "miscellaneous coding" is an alternate meaning of "hack," and that the primary definition is illicit access to prohibited network resources.

    Project managers and college professors just like the word, and think it makes their work sound neater than it is.
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    @bahua it's actually the other way around. The original meaning (in terms of CS & IT) of word "hacking" is actually creating software. What most people nowadays refer to as "hacking" is actually "cracking". The reason behind the widespread misuse stems from non-technical people's misunderstanding of the term.

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    @koolkobra but then code-athons often correspond to competitive coding.
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    I thought this place would be one of the places where people were well informed of the origin of "hack".
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    @koolkobra someone who understands the world
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