
What about open sourcing devRant 😄?

  • 2
    So that we can easily build a competitor :P?
  • 4
    @gitpush So that we can push the community forward ;)
  • 15
    No, not everything in this world have to be open-source
  • 5
    So, it will be possible to rant about devRant source?
  • 3
    @2lazy2debug Why shouldn't powershell be open source?
  • 1
    @2lazy2debug oh I thought it showed many security issues that attackers were able to use cuz of the code.

    Tbh I like to read .Net source code so that I learn their coding style and use it when I do .net services. Next in line is Swift code so that I learn how Apple handle stuff, not sure which to read for Google for Android lol
  • 1
    @HaidarZ just search for this topic, dfox has explained quite a few times why they don't want to open-source devRant and it makes sense.
  • 0
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