
Does anyone else struggle with I-want-this-to-work syndrome where you try to make something work that’s really specific and random but that you want to do and you spend way too long trying to get the tiniest bits to wrk and end up abandoning it after hours of wasted time?

Examples from me: trying to get an Ethernet cord to act like an AUX cord but using networking protocols so I can use my fucking sonos as, you know, a proper fucking computer speaker for fucking pc sounds instead of just streaming.

Trying to hook up a piece of exercise equipment to their own software that displays cool stuff except their software is only for windows and you only use/want to use Linux and you have to deal with HID devices through WINE and are ultimately just procrastinating your workout

Anyone got similar stories or tips?

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    This one time i had to interface with a usb barcode scanner to read data from it, and i started researching the USB protocol and writing a python script to hook into the usb kernel module (i was working on linux). it was fun at first but then i got terribly stuck and after a week of pointless attempts i went to my friend to admit defeat and ask for help. I was pretty proud of how far along i got though. I go there and i explain the code to him, he just stares at me in utter confusion and says "dude this thing acts as a usb keyboard. You could have just read input from stdin and it would have worked!" 😂 i don't i have ever face-palmed so hard in my life :D
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