
Cloudflare listed as an advertising company, so much for your privacy.

  • 4
    any other sources?
  • 6
    Call my cynical, but is this unexpected?
  • 2
    And Firefox is going to start sending them all your DNS requests soon. 😒
  • 0

    yeah I saw, great right?

    DoH is interesting thou
  • 0
    Well, what could you expect when a service is "free".
  • 1
    @Stallman it's not entirely free. Businesses that need certain features pay for it. Other than that I inagine our DNS requests goes to help fuel their DDoS protections and they can use some of the data to determine things from internet traffic etc.

    Just because one place calls it an advertising company? Meh. I suspect they make money off a few other things as well. Partnerships with companies to make their services stupid simple to implement. Google analytics for instance. Who knows.
  • 1
    Tbh I don't trust those that say they take privacy seriously, we can never be sure what is happening to our data, I hope I'm mistake tho, but anything can happen under the hood
  • 1

    They server 15% (possible more) of the worlds internet traffic with that tiny budget? You gotta be a retard to believe that - which you proven that you are already.
  • 2

    And yes, I dont use facebook, reddit, and almost 0 google.
  • 1

    Well, it has a free tier that probably 99% of the accounts is.
  • 0
    @Stallman and they probably use 1 percent of their network.
  • 1

    Not at all.

    Many big porn sites uses the free tier... :/
  • 1

    Yea you have a shitty attitude - therefore retard. You have already proven that before. So why should I believe anything you say?

    Also, Akamai and Fastly has free trial - not free tier.

    And if they decide to do free shit for some customers - it is still not free tier.

    Learn the difference.
  • 0
    Haha, @Linux IS paying for devrant.
  • 0

    I never call people with mental disabilities, issues or any other problem "retards".

    You have been ignorant against other people, so I am not going to show you any respect at all.
  • 1
    RMS is not against social media.
    Why are you spreading FUD for
  • 1
    No, social media that is intrusive. And that includes Google, Facebook etc.
  • 0
    I think I am missing something, what is crunchbase' definition of an "advertising company"?
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