On holiday with parents and gf...
Wifi here forces you to use their DNS (using Google's or Cloudflare or any other DNS is blocked)...
Can't use my OpenVPN either...


  • 1
    @makmm I can't, I have to connect to the VPN for that :D (I turned off my workstation at home so I can't login into the OpenVPN server from here T_T)
  • 1
    @makmm don't want to bother them with that stuff xD
  • 0
    if your openvpn server doesnt drop tcp requests you could try a complete portscan.
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    @stop it's over UDP... :c
  • 0
    @FinlayDaG33k you dont even need an open port on the server
  • 0
    nmap -vv -sV -p 1-65536 <SERVER>
  • 0
    @stop thar looks like udp holepunching?
  • 0
    @FinlayDaG33k na
    nmap: network scanner(should be installable from your favorate distri)
    -vv : Verbose
    -sV: test the service on the port
    -p 1-65535: test the tcp ports from 1 to 65535(highest possible port number)
    <SERVER>: replace this with your server
    most firewall-people drop packets for blocked ports.if you see that an port is marked open or close, you could try it other it.
  • 0
    @stop I know how nmap works :p
    Just looked like you where trying holepunching :p
  • 2
    I hate restrictive networks like that. Perhaps you could use a mobile connection or use a different wifi network to log into the VPN, and move the port to another one? Be sure to open the port on your server's firewall first though. I forgot it once and lost a server to it :')
  • 1
    @Condor we're visiting the city tomorrow, which means plenty of hotspots
  • 3
    @FinlayDaG33k So sharing, so caring :3
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