
I've been writing more python than English the last month so now I have to go through my essay and replace all the single quotes with double quotes...

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    I always use double quote as single quote are quire present in english such as "I'm", also for me double quote represent a word or a set of word and single one represent only one character...
    I know pep doesnt say anything about string quotes but still i sont see why using single over double when writing string in english in a program
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    @hube it's just how I learned. I agree though using double quotes would make more sense
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    @hube Double quotes use more pixels, so on an OLED screen with a dark theme you save power by using single quotes.
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    Perhaps you can automate that task with for example a python script?
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    @bittersweet Thank you for always being the voice of reason, it's truly inspirational
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