
What's the very first thing you usually do when you notice your browser tell you that there is no connection?

Be sincerely (+_+)

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    Press space and jump some cactus'
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    Me: check the router and if i dont find anything on my side, call the customer service.
    Real Me: Begin to cry or watch offline porn.
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    @Jilano πŸ˜…πŸ˜Š

    I nano my /etc/resolv.conf file haha. Usually the dns servers have changed into something unresolvable.
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    @linuxxx if that's all good, an mtr and checking if my vpn is still good.
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    I simply type ping google.com
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    Refresh the page
    Then depending on phone work or home something else.
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    Do an nslookup on any address.

    Ping pi.hole.

    Ping the router.

    Then usually swap to wifi for a minute because it´s the fucking ethernet port on the router that sporadically stops working and the logs don´t tell me why...
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    Refresh πŸ˜‚
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    @CoffeeMakesCode Yup.

    ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r it will probably fix itself ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r or maybe not ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r i should really check the router ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r but I'm lazy ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r is someone microwaving popcorn ctrl r

    After that, I just crawl to the main breaker, reboot power, then go back to ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r ctrl r

    Usually it works, because the main breaker resets all the routers and computers, and it fucks up the leaky microwave which is the main source of WiFi interference in my house.

    If it's still not fixed, sell house buy new house try again.
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    @bittersweet that is exactly what i do πŸ˜‚
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    @bittersweet connect a power switch to the microwave and send it a direct signal to stop when you dont have internet :D
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    @Codex404 Arduino to detect WiFi signal strength, lower microwave wattage... Sounds good. Although maybe I should just buy a new microwave, because every time I make popcorn it smells blue.
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    F5, glances at taskbar.. No connection... Reboot router, make coffee, drink coffee, f5, rinse repeat, if fail twice smoke cigarette
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    i get so frustrated that i just call my provider and scold them even if the problem is not from their side and then i am like <<" oh its alright. just fix it as early as possible" >>;
    this happened many times and now the provider recognises me whenever i callπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    Check the ethernet cable.
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    @dufferz Dude ctrl r. F keys are too much effort.
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    @bittersweet why press 2 keys when you can press 1 :/
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    @dufferz F5 is sooo far away I'm lazy
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