
Do you guys think Golang is gonna over take NodeJS for server side web dev?

  • 2
    before I will say yes, you can refer to history.
    still lot of people code in languages which are replaced to some extent by node js c# python etc.
    I am a big advocate of go. just try out a simple server. the language offers what is needed to write a clean and complete and tested code and nothing more than that.
  • 3
    by the way you can learn it in few hours and customize atom for it in few minutes. and cross platform and cross compilation is a big advantage.
  • 2
    Ohh I absolutely love Go I wanted to see who feels the same as I do. I actually convinced my start up to starting developing future projects in Go instead of NodeJS. It's just a beautiful language so simple and Goroutines trump complicated async Node anyday
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