Nobody in IT ever smiles this much

  • 114
    - Hey Jim, the coffee is ready
    - *that face*
  • 30
    @lucaspar Now, it makes sense
  • 18
    That smile is the small that says, kill me now please
  • 16
    He just planted evidence on corporate servers and sent off the FBI contact form
  • 6
    @JoshBent mr. robot :o
  • 5
    @lucaspar didn't do a reference actually, but somehow I did haha
  • 6
    He's just dead inside
  • 3
    is that tortoise on xp... or win7?
  • 20
    - "Who the fuck wrote that???"
    $ git blame
    - "Fuck yeah it's not me!!
    *That face*
  • 4
    He is looking at his crush is what this is.
  • 19
    "The boss just approved replacing Dropbox with Git and sent all your coworkers to Git bootcamp."

    "HR is hiring testers so you don't have to fix so many bugs on production"

    "You can replace your noisy 2013 MacBook with any hardware of your choice"

    "Updating to PHP7 is top priority, and fixing bugs always takes precedence over building features"

    "We want everyone to spend 15% of their time on learning new languages and techniques, reading books or working on open source packages"

    Yeah... There have been some happy moments.
  • 2
    "Hold on I will take a pic of my screen and come back to you so you can see what I mean"
  • 2
    Maybe he only write, debug and test helloworld program.
  • 9
    He is getting a blow job underneath the desk
  • 1
    No wonders he is using light theme...
  • 1
    I'm balls deep debugging a concurrency race condition on production and HR picks now to take the employee photos?!

    It's a good thing she's cute. *Forces smile* Now please kindly get the fuck out of my face.
  • 1
    Windows XP? what's wrong with this company? Why the light theme? Smiling?
  • 3
    "Ok Jim, so in this shot, you're an I.T. guy, a programmer, sound good?"

    Jim: *looks at screen, frowns as though in deep, deep pain... turns around and smiles*


    great shot Jim! I think we got it!

    Jim: Hey, thanks. Man.. I am soooo glad I am a model/actor and not doing THIS shit all day.. whew
  • 4
    You see a smile.

    I see the layers of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. I see how each trip to the company coffee machine delays the inevitable slow demise. I see a corporate slave. I see a broken individual who has long since given up on happiness.

    I see myself.

  • 1
    I did, when I (thought) I finished that damn contract yesterday...

    ...before I noticed the "subpoint" 7 in a Milestone 1.

    ...after which the smile disappeared, and a rant appeared
  • 1
    Look at me Jim, I'm the Reaper. Your time has come to an end...
  • 1
    He's smiling because that camera is pointed right at his face and HR's watching him.

    He has to.
  • 9
    kill me now
  • 4
    I know this guy personally. He's a good friend and a great engineer :)
  • 0
    $ git blame
  • 0
    @lucaspar How can you tell hes Jim?
  • 1
    @AasaramBapu ??? Tell us more!
  • 1
    Hahah, what do you wanna know ?@stereohisteria
  • 1
    @AasaramBapu Does he uses vim or emacs? Tabs or spaces? CDN or hosted libraries? Tell us more about Jim!
  • 1
    "Jim" is 22 and uses Vim. Uses Tab (= 4 spaces). CDN :) @stereohisteria
  • 0
    He isn't happy. He's embarrassed to be photographed with Windows in the background.
  • 4
    BUGFIX: more realistic expression.
  • 0
    Lies! Deception!
  • 0
    "It is my last day in this shithole!"
  • 0
    @sydneymlambo I have the Snow Light theme for my CRT monitor and I need some good light gray themes
  • 0
    Is this what I really look like at work right now?
  • 0
    When i manage to hack something i can even have a bigger evil smile!
  • 0
    You should really join my office. You probably won’t say that again.
  • 0
    That's the smile when you know you fucked up the code
  • 1
    Hide my porn on double desktop switch
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