
By the time Visual Studio's auto completion kicked in, I went to canteen, had lunch, talked with mom and relaxed for 10 minutes.

In case anyone thinks I have a slow PC, it's a quad core core i5 with SSD

  • 2
    With vs15 It's always instant even on my low end laptop.. How can it be that slow?
  • 2
    @juzles It's fast once it starts showing the auto completes. It takes quite a bit of time for the popup to appear in the first place. That kind of makes the autocomplete pointless.

    Obviously I posted the status with sarcasm.
  • 2
    If you have resharper installed it will kill startup performance
  • 7
    If you open a file in visual studio by mistake, the easiest thing to do is hit the power button and restart Windows.
  • 1
    @chrisrhymes hahahahahah, this is gold :D:D:D:D:D
  • 0
    Bing developer extension does that to me. might want to disable it if you are using it.
  • 0
    @chrisrhymes Hahahaha good one!
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