Using memes in presentations & industry convention talks should be outlawed.

  • 9
    Did it get a laugh?
  • 16

    Exactly. Success kid will not convince me that Ruby is a good language, and a gif of a cat falling from a ledge doesn't explain the differences between concurrency models in JS and Go.
  • 8
    @RantSomeWhere Unless, of course, it's an MA in Memetic Studies.

    Come on...you *know* some piece of shit department somewhere it running that course.
  • 17
    My only hope is that he was fired for his lack of being able to teach, not for his use of memes. People need to lighten the hell up.
  • 4
    @datawraith @desirous It's all about moderation... There are too many talks at conventions where someone presents a cool package/project, and messes up the whole presentation flow by having some gif of an animal doing something dumb every other slide.
  • 2
    It depends. We have a monthly internal meeting with whole team (~20) and we use memes in every slides. It helps relaxing and keeping a cool atmosphere
  • 0
    @Gnonpi Replace all financial updates with pictures of cats, but keep the tech stuff.
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    @YADU That's awful.
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    @YADU Yes. Just like that. You know it's coming.
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    How about subtle humor only you get?
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    @bittersweet Who needs ROI or MRI when you can doggies and bad photoshops?
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