
Raspberry pi worked perfectly fine. Reinstalled the sd card for some reason (on purpose) and now, no matter what system I flash, it always crashes at stone point. That point is random every fucking time.

I just want this fucker to work 😥

  • 1
    Which Raspberry model do you use?
  • 2
    @jackconnorhull This is the 1 A or B. Have two of them. Waiting for a 3 to arrive!
  • 6
    Perhaps the SD card is dead. Could you check it for bad blocks?
  • 4
    @Condor Just got a new one today :/.

    On the other hand, just pulled out the keyboard receiver and its booting...
  • 3
    @Condor Little detail: that's the only USB keyboard I have 😬
  • 2
    @linuxxx maybe the keyboard receiver is faulty then? Though I doubt that it could really interrupt the boot process if there isn't an internal short or something like that (which would leech away all the power available for the CPU etc). You can use a USB current meter between the port and adapter to check that. Or better yet, allow it to boot up, then plug in the receiver and check dmesg. Oh and also check if the receiver causes issues in other hosts perhaps.
  • 3
    @Condor Nope works great on my laptop as always.

    Another annoyance is that I'm getting a network is unreachable error. It's automatically getting an ipv6 ip but my router only assigns ipv4 ip addresses. Have to manually disable ipv6 and still getting the error then.
  • 4
    What are you using to flash an image on the sd card? I'd recommend to try https://etcher.io/ which does all the right magic in the background (in case there's a faulty mbr table or whatever on the sd card...)
  • 3
    @Wack Using that one ;)
  • 3
    @linuxxx hmm, strange. Probably something local to the Pi then. I don't have a wireless keyboard, but I do have 4 Pi's (they're all RPi3 though, I don't own a Pi A) and a couple of SD cards to dick around with. Which OS are you using? From experience I've found that Raspbian and Raspbian Lite should be most stable, with the various Kodi distros being good as well. Parrot I've had security issues with (it's been taken over by its developers I think when I had a brawl with them - took quite a while to recover the network from that because that Pi had SSH access to all my other hosts as well) and Arch Linux ARM (aka alarm) being unusable.

    That said, if it works without the keyboard, I'd suggest using SSH to configure it instead. If my memory serves me right, creating the file /boot/ssh into its boot partition is a trigger for Raspbian (and Lite) to automatically enable the SSH daemon during the first boot.. that way it won't require manual SSHd activation with a keyboard attached. Makes remote deployments a lot easier :)
  • 3
    @Condor Thanks!

    It's booting up with Internet now but while ifconfig and ip a don't show anything useful, the ip given at boot works though
  • 0
    We're experiencing something similar at school. We have around 25 new raspberries, but like 7-8 of them aren't working - even though the SD cards are cloned 😅 If you switch the SD card of a 'broken' raspberry with a working one, it still doesn't seem to work 🤷🏻
  • 0
    Im not sure about this but...
    Could you try wipefs --all <partition of SD card> (/dev/sdX)
    I've had problems with these when making bootable USB.
  • 2
    It's kind of working. Can boot up and ssh into it but it goes into high load mode nearly right away when executing any command.

    Waiting for my new pi 3 on which I'll do the installations and afterwards I can just plugin the sd cards into another pi :D
  • 3
    @linuxxx what's the current capability of your power supply? The Raspberry Pi works best when it's supplied somewhere around 5.1V 2A. 1A could work but when big loads (like hard drives) are attached, it's gonna drop out. Oh and USB hubs or ports in PC's aren't suitable, as they can't supply enough current.
  • 0
    @Condor USB hub plugged into a general phone charger :P
  • 2
    @linuxxx there's your problem then :3 plug it directly into a charger that can preferably supply 2A, and that should fix it :)
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