
No, I wont help you solve your stupid problem. If you are not able to read the wiki or the man pages - Arch linux is not for you.

You have only proven that you are stupid enough to listen to other people who likes to brag how good the are, but actually do not know shit.

  • 14
    How can I ++ this twice
  • 10
    Can't help anybody that isn't willing to help themselves
  • 5
  • 1
  • 1
    @mrtn finally blind envy
  • 6
    Arch is like a Rubik's cube.

    The fun is in learning new combinations of turns, in shaving off a few seconds of time. The fun is in the struggle and the improvement.

    It's not about bragging by having a solved cube on your desk, it's about flexing your brain and your patience at 3am.
  • 3
    @PrivateGER you ++ then -- then ++
    Problem solved.

    I'll see my self out
  • 1
    Why even trying to use Arch without knowing how to do that? Just use Windows and claim you are using Arch.
  • 4
    @Haxk20 Arch team checking in!! I USE ARCH LINUX!!!!!! @Fast-Nop WSL will never replace the purity of Arch Linux!!!
  • 4
    Windows: Let me launch an auto repair software that does nothing.

    Mac: Sure, take it to my store and pay 30% of original price to fix this

    Arch: Hah! You did this to yourself
  • 2
    @Haxk20 Where do I send my demo tape to join the Arch Team? It consists of me writing a system call that displays the Arch ascii logo while simultaneously force unmounting all attached drives. I’ll replace the call to fork() with it, then watch the world burn.
  • 2
    Arch Linux pure? No

    GuixSD is pure
  • 1
    @Linux Since recently I've started to think that as well.. especially Arch's community can be rather toxic at times. I'd say that LFS is most pure :3
  • 1
    Goes for a lot of "more advanced" distros.
  • 1
    Yeah it is, Thats the reason I dont use Arch actually - the toxicity and stupidity.
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