
Hey guys, this question isn't really dev related, I just want to know some of the devs on here's musical tastes, so please commemt your favorite music genres, bands...etc

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    I like classical music (Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Chopin,...), game music (Dark Souls, Bloodborne,... ), sometimes Gorillaz or Die Antwoord... and I fucking love 😍 metal 🤘(Grindcore, (Melodic) Death, Deathcore, Mathcore, (Brutal) Slam)

    Some bands are listed here (www.bandcamp.com/irithyll)... but here are some special ones:

    In Flames, XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX, 01101111011101100110111001101001, Vulvodynia, Aversions Crown, Avatar, Beartooth, Boy Eats Girl, Butcher Babies, Voidgasm, Whitechapel, Whoreborn, Scumfuck, Hollow Prophet, Scumprophet, Within Destruction, Slave I, Silent Planet, Shokran, Signs of the Swarm, Shadow of Intent, Infant Annihilator, Drown In Sulphur, Gravemind,... yeaah... haha 😂 🕺
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    @Irithyll Nicee, I love classical music as well yet listen mostly to Tchaikovsky, Wagner and Chopin, yet I adore Prog and Punk rock/metal and Blues rock. Bands like Dream theater, Jethro Tull, Tool, The Mars Volta, NOFX, Dead Kennedys, The Sex Pistols, The Rolling Stones are just some of my favorites.
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    Melodic/symphonic metal of all kinds. Death, pagan, black, gothic, true. Amon Amarth, Naglfar, Ensiferum, Korpiklaani, Seth, Lunar Aurora, Tristania, old Nightwish, Manowar.

    Then also EBM/ Darkwave. L'ame Imortelle, Arcana, Ice Ages.

    Oh and Vivaldi - both for music and browsing.
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    @Fast-Nop Cool, I realized that till now the three of us who have commented prefer instrumental music.
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