I committed to some work I probably should have turned down. Great people and enjoyable work but I agreed to a good hourly rate but I have a cap of 20 hours a week. I keep putting in extra hours that I don't get paid for. I want the work to be good and don't think it can be completed in 20hrs per week. The work involves mentoring others and I just can't leave in the middle of helping them. My husband is fed up with my wimpyness. I am putting off a project we are working on together to do this work. The contract will be over in 3 months. What do I do?

  • 1
    social problems are harder to solve in a dev community than technical problems eh?
  • 6
    Just tell them the truth. 20 hours a week isn't enough time to complete the project in 3 months. They can either allow you to work more hours, extend the contract length or accept what you have finished at the end of the contract period.

    Don't keep working off the clock though. That's not fair to you or your husband.

    You can't just waste the fact that your married to another dev that wants to collaborate with you. That's a dream for many a dev out there.
  • 1
    @shittywebdev thanks, you are right.
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