
Fucking evopdf, I spent 2 days trying to figure out why the fuck my js isn't rendering the html for printing. I created the structure in html already, and it's rendered perfectly with js DOM, when evopdf ran from backend it shows nothing, tried not using external script, tried to put value one by one, it works, my css is also broken, thanks fucker, the client only asked to directly download the html page instead of save as PDF. I thought why the fuck not?

evo pdf modified my CSS element for some odd reason, flex and grid got messed up, page width also fucked along with font size, doesn't support some javascript function. I shit you not the .after and let doesn't work. Fucking garbage

Edit: it worked now, but I spend hours today rewriting everything just to looks decent and it still looks like shit fml

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    @Bitwise yes, this shit modify MOST of my element style (display: grid/flex to display: block, like wtf), I just want to direct download html, I don't need you (evopdf) to modify it for me anymore. The result got pretty fucked up. I was so proud of my html output in print pop up dialog, and evopdf just fucked it so hard
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    When ever I had to make a report there were three main things needs to be done:

    1. print.

    2. download as PDF.

    3. download as Excel.

    but the library I used didn't touch my HTML/CSS, I had to do it from scratch - I used PHP at that time.-

    Can Evo PDF do that? or it will use my same HTML/CSS in the page then I need my CSS, and hide elements that I don't want to show in print.
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    @FahadAlt sometimes it changed the element display, it didn’t support grid and box sizing border box, page media doesn’t work, so bottom line, saving a couple of clicks because the user is too lazy and messing up most of my format. Excel is still doable, I once did it, but a good layout in pdf format is hell from backend
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    @devTea Hmm, it seems good tool just needs to know your way around with it. I will keep it in mind in case its needed someday here.
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    @FahadAlt you have to buy it too, the trual version got the watermark text. Also calculating isn’t per 100%, you have to guess until you break, I build a grid system with flex and have to try a lot of times
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    @devTea Most of the pdf tools have weird calculating. They have default margin and padding on the page then you will have to fit your page within that. Some CSS won’t work for them like you can’t use background but need to use background-color.

    Hope I don’t convert any page to PDF soon 💔 and hope you are all set with yours!

    Here the tools I need the company will pay so I don’t worry about the price but If the tool have what I need.
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