
And so I answered.

  • 5
    ? it's one of the best ide's
  • 2
    @SukMikeHok gradle is taking our lifes :(
  • 2
    Gradle is the time killeršŸ˜ 
  • 1
    @xsfjx buy a better pc? i never had problems with gradle
  • 1
    I do react-native. Every experience I've had with Android studio has been bad! unlike Xcode.
  • 2
    @SukMikeHok so you've never had build problems that you had no idea how to fix, so you tried different things and had to rebuild the project everytime to see if that fixed it? There's the time killer.
  • 2
    @lucaspar if you mean about the random problem/bug/glitch when it cant find R then yes I've had that but i realized that happens when xml is fucked. other than that no i literally have no problems with gradle it compiles normally within 10-20 secs
  • 2
    @SukMikeHok I'm still having issues with R (with valid layout IDs referenced from constraint tags) in projects that use Kotlin. Still builds and runs but IDE highlights it as red :(
  • 5
    Programming on remote connected computers

    It’s hell guys, get me out of there
  • 4
    @AlpineLinnix my condolences
  • 1
    @SukMikeHok it's not from pc
    You judge (core i7 8700k / 16 Gb ddr4 ram / samsung 860 pro ssd)
    It's definitely from the gradle
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