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    Why do people hate php?
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    @redpanda101 you answered your own question bOoM baby
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    Because people like hating things
  • 5
    People hate Java because it lacks real pointer shit and forces you to the stupid automatic memory management.

    Conversely, people hate C(++) because of all the real pointer shit and because you have to manage memory mostly yourself.
  • 8
    I think the reason I personally hate Java is summed up by this repo. FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition: https://github.com/EnterpriseQualit...
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    @ScribeOfGoD inconsitance api. Camelcase, underscores or something else? I stopped using it with v5 dunno if it's better yet.
    Just for example.
    Missing thread support as another thing.
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    It's that ugly child that no one likes to admit they secretly kinda like
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    @Kanimaru if you only went to php 5 then you're definitely out of the scope of things
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    It's way too verbose for me. And it doesn't let me do as much as I'd like.
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    For me it is, that I can do in C# most relevant things I would do in java. But C# has a much nicer Syntax and standard library (.Net/Core).

    So there is no reason to struggle more for a similar result by using java.
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    @oudalally you use word "awful" perfectly, and placed !
  • 5
    People don't hate Java,
    Java hate people
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    import com.hate.Reason;

    Reason reason = ReasonFactory.fromReason("Java is very fucking verbose and that gets on my nerves");

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    In my case it's because the ROS version of java is barely supported and someone decided from our project to use it at some point. Now it just makes building things slower. Also someone restructured the rosjava maven dependency repo and it took a lot of time and nerves to adjust the system accordingly. Sometimes it would build, sometimes not and it's always rosjava that has these issues...
    Otherwise... I kind of don't like the style of it. That's all.
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    Major reason for hating it was long syntax. All of it changed with Java 8 and introduction of functional programming. It made language syntactically reasonable.
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    @oudalally how can you call Java expressive and boilerplate+verbose at the same time? They are opposites! Expressive means (something like) write a little that reads easily and does a lot. Verbosity and boilerplate code are really not expressive, unless you have a sickly desire to introduce a whole lot of eyestrain.
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    @redpanda101 learn Kotlin, you won't miss Java after 10000 lines of code, zero NullPointerExceptions and a year of true Kotlin goodness and sanity.
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    Because it's used by more than 3 Billion Devices ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
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    @AlgoRythm we dont need to call toString method in println. Just saying😅
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    @oudalally you're right. Then again, Kotlin is fully JVM compatible, so it is more expressive than Java (which it is by design). Also, apparently, expressiveness is a matter of interpretation: I think lambdas are perfectly understandable and readable, more than anonymous function / callable / runnable classes or alternatives.
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    Very verbose and no real higher order functions (yes kinda with lambdas but its a pain). Its a grest language to beginn with tho in my opinion.
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