Call me old fashioned, but I still use Owncloud and I intend to do. Nextcloud feels to much "hip'n'cool" and that does not always end well.


  • 1
    Does owncloud support client side encryption by now?
  • 3
    Is the update function of ownCloud working without destroying everything?
  • 2
    @lastnick last time I tried, it broke everything. I then switched to nextcloud. Didn't perceive them as hip actually, but it works 😁
  • 5
    @theKarlisK "How dare you be reasonable on the Internet?! Now throw some shit in someone's face!"

    On a more serious note, I do agree with the other commenters. I don't feel like NextCloud is giving start-up vibes, but if you have no problem withe your current solution, do stay.
  • 0
    never heard of it?
  • 1
    I’ve been so tempted to do this for ages. Not sure if my school would appreciate me not using google drive tho...
  • 1
    I dropped using (self-hosted) owncloud when it decided to delete some 100 gb of my music collection for no reason.
  • 2
    I've used and abused OwnCloud, and lost some encrypted data, each time when updating it... Nextcloud was a saviour.
  • 2
    @xewl Do you use Cryptomator for that purpose or something else?
  • 1
    @Jilano No, I don't reckon that I used that - and "was" was also key.. I haven't used "cloud data/drive solutions" since over a year..

    Everything's just on my home NAS & some hotswappable bays in my pc now, fuck external services or self hosted shit, too much to deal with for just some project backups & media
  • 2
    @xewl Fair enough, I'll look into the different solutions.

    Thank you for your answer
  • 0

    Well, it has never broken for me. Nextcloud has broken alot thou
  • 0

    Well, with a customer webDAV client - yes!
  • 1

    It has never broken for me, and I have used it since 2012.

    I have tried Nextcloud, but I think it breaks to often.
  • 0
    @Stallman I guess everyone has different experiences :)
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