
Reported an important security vulnerability inside our organization, right before getting off work. A security team member contacts me over chat asking for some details on my investigation. At the end, he tells me: "thanks, I will copy and paste this conversation on the ticket so that everyone can see".

What I imagined: he would copy and paste the conversation as is, so that every line written by me is prefixed with my name.

What he does: he writes a summary of our conversation, barely mentioning my name, making it look like that part of the investigation was done by him.

Now I have so much anger inside of me that my internal organs are boiling.

  • 2
    Why didn't you write it on the ticket in the first place?
  • 1
    He investigated by asking you
  • 1
    @electrineer I couldn't write in the ticket because the fucking ticketing system had a partial service outage in that very right moment (not everyone was affected: I couldn't access the system, the other guy, who was on another part of the world could)
  • 1
    You could add to the information (in an email or something).

    Used to happen to me, but the asshole had to add me to the email. He would say "anything to add ODXT?" I would let loose, adding details and making sure everyone knows it's my investigation.
  • 2
    People who do this make me want to punch them repeatedly in the babymakers.
  • 0
    @MrJimmy of course it doesn't matter much. I already forgot about it. Still, wtf
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