
Am I the only one who still look deep in the Code, try to find a better way of solving a problem after it's already been perfectly solved 🤔

  • 1
    Yes, I can confirm your presumption.
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    You mean as opposed to looking over completed code to figure out why it works in the first place? I have a bit of conditionally activated code that only triggers under the appropriate conditions, but I have no idea why.

    Sad thing is I wrote (and even documented!) it about six months ago...
  • 4
    Nah b. You are the only one in the entire industry

    NAY the entire planet!! That does this.
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    @AleCx04 We should keep him in captivity for research. Like a zoo animal or a politician.
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    @Kaji six months? Damn
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  • 5
    I usually figure out the best way to solve a problem after I've already implemented the second or third best way to solve it. :P
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    @HollowKitty God is that true for me.
  • 2
    Refactoring, yes. I love taking something that was many lines and condensing it to less or something that is more extensible or easier to read or just a better way to do it. Often though if I get something that works I am a bit reluctant to change it unless I know for sure the new way is at least as good as the old way or better.
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    5+1 = 6
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    Why am I reminded of a 1980's hacker movie
  • 0
    @rant1ng what movie
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