
Finally have the home office I've always wanted, with only a few more things left to do in order to consider it finished.

Power company loves me.

Wallet hates me.

  • 11
  • 4
    I'm curious to know the need for all of those monitors?
  • 18
    @drRoss because I can...

    Oh, and because the iMac+2 monitors and laptop are mine, and the macbook pro+3 monitors were provided by work, because I work from home :-)

    So, I basically have 3 workstations.
  • 6
    @purged best justification ever! 😂
  • 3
    That's awesome
  • 3
    You have it made! Nicely done!
  • 2
    @purged where did you find your remote job? Just wondering.

    Great set up!
  • 4
    @champion01 I sought out a company whose HQ is in another state. It isn't worth it to them to open an office here for just me, but knowing many of their employees, and having made a good impression on their CTO at my previous job is what opened the door.

    Networking is so so so important, and making a good impression has kept me employed/created many many opportunities for me!
  • 6
    +1 for cookies!
  • 1
    @purged that's some of the best advice I have heard! Thanks for sharing your story! It's always great to hear opportunities created like that!
  • 3
    I recommend putting one of your monitors in portrait while you code, makes it easier for me to be productive.
  • 2
    @EasyUltra i've tried it. I can't stand the loss of horizontal real-estate. Personal preference.
  • 1
    @purged I also commend you on utilizing so many monitors. Any links to your rigs specs? I'd love to see it!
  • 1
    @EasyUltra thanks, but nothing special. My work machine (3 monitors on the right) is a newer macbook pro, then to the left of that is my personal mid-2011 iMac with two external monitors, and to the left of that is an AlienWare laptop for playing a few games here and there, and personal stuff when I travel.

    I actually want to wall mount one more screen for full-time display of my security cameras.
  • 2
    @purged you work with what you have, I definitely would mount a monitor for those cameras!
  • 1
    Please, play some animations at six of your displays in an infinite loop the whole day and do actual work on one of them. Like in password swordfish.
  • 0
    How long have you been working from home? Do you like it? I've been doing it for a couple years now and I'm so tired of it. I loved it initially but now I feel like I can't concentrate better and get so tired sitting at home all day! I need to find a new job where I see other people lol
  • 0
    But 5 more human heads to look at all those minitors
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