Three weeks of spending at least three hours with my computer everyday, and my back is officially in pain.
Funny how priorities change. Now I really want to invest in a good chair or maybe a beanbag.

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    I did a 15 hour day last week and I was feeling this. Would love to find some sort of exercise to do that helps at the end of the day. Not sure I believe a different chair could help sometimes, but I haven’t tried yet!
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    @nunquam Invest in nice mattresses and bed sheet. A good night sleep with A.C in desire temperature with two whiskey peg cure everything.
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    Our office bought new ergonomic chairs this year. Totally worth it. Now I just need to get one for my desk at home
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    You have to make sure you're ergo.. And workout your core and leg muscles

    I know not what you want to hear but I injured my back some years ago and with the physio I have no problems

    I work 10 hours a day
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