
Two stupid questions:
Does the dev rant stickers removeable?
What's the best placement for them?

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    @Alice @S-Homles-MD shame on you people! It's an important question
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    @S-Homles-MD well yeah!
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    @S-Homles-MD shame on you! ;)
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    @S-Homles-MD but seriously are they removeable? :|
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    @JordMan what the hell do you even mean by removable?

    Like you can take them off and reuse them? Or that you can remove them when you no longer want it?
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    @Alice "wherever you want them to be, except in the bad places" that's not supposed to be a joke?
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    @Stuxnet the second
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    @JordMan Every sticker is removable, it's merely a matter of how badly you want it removed.

    But yes, the devRant ones can be removed. It may leave some residue but a little bit of rubbing alcohol will remove it, depending on the surface.
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    They are “removable” in the sense that any sticker is removable - they leave a good amount of residue that takes some effort to clean off, but you should be able to get it off eventually. Use at your own risk though.
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    @Stuxnet beat me to it
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    @dfox I've had my fair share of pain in the ass stickers, but after an hour of work, I got 99% of the residue to go away.
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    place 1 sticker on ur car and 1 on the wall next to the front door entrance outside of your house
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    Only low quality is unremoveable as they leave some small part or torn when trying to remove it
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