He asked me how I’m doing a couple days ago & I ignored him so he got straight to the point, lol. What should I tell him?

  • 45
    "for the right amount of cash I can. My usual rate for programming is $250 per hour. This will be the same as overtime work, so I'm going to have to charge $350 per hour. It'll likely take upwards of 10 hours, but if their IP encryption is very secure, it could take 15+ hours."

    He'll fuck right off lol
  • 5
    @Stuxnet Thanks I’ll try that 😂
  • 5
    Nigga already got killed by police.
  • 23
    @Biggy I think he did
  • 14
    @rigobertomolina make sure you post his response 😂😂😂
  • 1
  • 3
    @Stuxnet Hell yeah!!! :)
  • 1
  • 15
    Left me on read lol
  • 6
    Damn homeboy I ASKED U A QUESTION. CAN YOU GET NIGGAS IP OR NOT? Simple as that. Man cuz I ain’t playing with that trace route no more.
  • 5
    @catadoxa It’s racist regardless of who says it.
  • 0
    @for-Each How so? I am legitately curious to hear your argument.

    My contention is that it is morally reprehensible for a person in a group that has historically oppressed another group and has used specific language to dehumanize that group to continue to use that language due to the fact that in context it is reinforcing the idea that their group is by nature superior to the other. For members of the historically oppressed group, yes, I suppose they could use that language in a context that would also be racist, but in general I think it is clearly just an in-group recognition of their group identity, and is therefore not offensive.

    Context is everything. Important in life and programming haha.
  • 5
    @catadoxa The very use of the word regardless of what subset of people use it enforces it’s historical background.
    It’s a fallacy to suggest that context matters when you’re effectively banning everyone else from using the word. Is it racist for a black person to still use the word with the intention of using it as an insult? To degrade another black person? Or is that okay because there both black?
    Goes for people of all races too, for example if I were to call another white person a worthless white cracker. It’s still racist. Just because people are of the same race doesn’t mean they can’t project racism to the people of the same race.
    At least personally, that’s how I see it.
  • 8
    @catadoxa SJW bullshit is also racist because it suddenly depends on your race what's OK and what not. "Group membership" my ass, stop sorting people by race FFS! Also white ones in case you didn't get it.
  • 4
    @catadoxa sorry didn’t realise you answered my question already. Personally, it’s my belief if you’re implying a word is racist then I don’t think any party should be able to use the word without racial implications for the above reasons.
  • 1
    @for-Each @Fast-Nop So first off no one should be banned by the government for saying anything. I am all for free speech and all that and for all of humanity eventually figuring out they are the same people no matter who they are. Also fuckin A+ for having well reasoned responses instead of stupid ones haha. Doesn't mean they are correctly reasoned, mind you, but I'm too high right now to argue about it ^_^ Use the term if you want I just think its motherfucking rude :)
  • 1
    @catadoxa Oh no, that’s not the point. The word is vile. No body, of any race should be able to say it regardless of context in my opinion, same for all racist terminology.
  • 1
    @catadoxa I'd put it in a simpler way. If you make fun of people so that it includes yourself, it's obvious that it's fun. Otherwise, the situation needs to provide cues to be understood as fun (unless it isn't meant as fun to begin with).

    In this case, it is well possible that if you know that person, it's clear that it's fun. Taking a screenshot out of context removes the context cues, however. But that's the problem of the screenshot.
  • 0
    @for-Each wait are you really saying "no one should be able to say it"? Like enforced by the government?
  • 1
    @catadoxa not being able to say it goes a bit far dont you think? The government would have stitch our mouths closed.
  • 2
    @catadoxa @for-Each I agree with foreach that a word is either racist or not, it doesnt depend on who says it otherwise that would be racism itself wouldnt it?

    But im wondering @catadoxa if black people are allowed to say it how would that be for Michael Jackson or albinos where their parents are black skinned people.
    Michael jackson became white over time is he suddenly not allowed to say it anymore? How dark has your skin to be to be able to say it?
  • 3
    After he pays you, give him,
    Or or any other common lan ips
  • 0
    @Codex404 Seriously? Tha ... That's your question?
  • 4
    @catadoxa yes, how dark needs your skin to be to be able to say "nigga" according to you?
  • 0
    @Codex404 Okay so it feels like you are trying to boil all of that nuance down to thist tiny sliver but I will answer: That question doesn't even make sense, although I understand what you are getting it. You are trying to figure out what you can do when and what the limits are. The answer is in the authenticity.
  • 3
    @catadoxa Im curious what the "authenticity" is, Im not getting that word in this context.

    Also you say nigga is a term used in the past to oppress people, but in all of history black people have put knifes in the back of black people and white people put knifes in the back of white people. So even in slave period the black men where calling others negers. The dutch origin of the whole word.
    Nigga and negro come both from the dutch word "neger" and one is deemed acceptable by all and the other one cannot be said by a part of the humankind?

    Either everyone is allowed to say it or no one is. There is no halfway there since we are all equal.
  • 5
    In portuguese and spanish language there are 2 words for black. One is "negro" and the other is "preto". However black people who speak that language prefer to use "negro" for the race and "preto" for the color.

    I find it interesting because "negro" in english countries it is racist to use it. There was a story from USA where a spanish-speaking girl called her dog like that and everyone was going mad.
  • 3
    nigga has become 2018's "dude". It's no longer commonly used as a slur.
  • 3
    It's all semantics and retorics...

    Today most racists are black people, You see more black people advocating for rights (above the other races, not equal to, just like the feminists) that white people talking racist bullshit.

    Btw, I don't have problems with black, yellow, pink, blue or gray people, just have problems with racists, chenofobists, and don't start me talking about rapists and pedofiles...
  • 1
    @catadoxa No, speech should never be regulated. I’m saying one person should be able to say that word without being labelled racist.
  • 0
  • 1
    It's a very ignorant word but as I read somewhere "a word only has the power you give it". I aint gonna pull that "I have a black friend" argument cuz I hate that but I talked about it with one of my best friends and he really don't give a fuck. If someone uses it as an insult it just shows that they are indeed ignorant.
  • 2
    @jschmold Think people are miss understanding what I’m saying.

    You can’t have a select number of people who are entitled to say a word and then imply that any other type of person that says it is automatically being racist. That’s the definition of racism.
    Either everyone is allowed to say it, or no body should use it.
  • 1
    Y'all are fucking dumb. Does this look like twitter?

    Take your god damn wishy washy semantical word play and shove it up your selective asses.

    Its a fucking word. Get the fuck over it.
  • 2
    @D--M Quite ironic for you to get so annoyed over people talking about it and then and say it’s just a word in the same sentence.
  • 0
    How the fuck is it ironic? I'm not annoyed that people are talking about the word.

    I'm annoyed that you idiots managed to have a giant 50+ comment argument over a picture on /DEVRANT/
  • 2
    @D--M im amazed how you can't count at all, its not even 30 comments...
  • 1
    I feel like I should put
    <Hyperbole/> tags everywhere.
  • 1
    @D--M it has nothing to do with the picture? The picture caused the discussion but it’s definitely not about the image.
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