
I think someone deserves a sticker if their rant gets 100 --'s because hey, at least they tried

  • 1
    Not if the negative votes were justified.
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    @nblackburn I wonder if we can win an award for the most-improved post. Going from like -75 to 175 as fast as possible
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    @DeveloperACE nice approach, would like to see anyone reverting all those --.

    As wel, it could deserve an epic gift or something like that.
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    @DeveloperACE There is potential for trolls to down vote them and qualify them for an award they did nothing to be awarded for.

    Instead the most up voted user of the year would make more sense.
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    @DeveloperACE I don't see it as bad. Why not use this method to ban this kind of people? Just a matter of creating an algorithm reading the user actions.
  • 4
    as per newtons laws, the ranter should send stickers and stress ball to dfox and trogus
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    Maybe if people are making an effort to improve, reward them for trying. But if they're getting down votes on purpose, don't send them anything and/or threaten to ban them if they don't send dfox and trogus a squishy ball
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    Couldn't decide whether to ++ or -- this based on perceived intention.
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  • 1
    @DeveloperACE I don't even know what I meant. Don't devRant drunk...
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