I'm covering for a colleague who has 2 weeks of vacation. Everything is made with Drupal 7, and it's a backend + frontend chimera with no head and 50 anuses.

So, last monday i get told i have to show a value based on the formula:
value * (rate1 - rate2) / 2

On thursday, every calculation in that page is suddenly wrong and I get balmed for it. Turns out, now it has to be:
value * (rate1 - rate2) / rate1 / 2

Today, I get told again the calculations are wrong. "It has to be wrong, the amount changes when rate1 changes!". There'll be a meeting later today to discuss such behaviour.

All these communications happened via e-mail, so I'm quite sure it's not my fault... But, SERIOUSLY! Do they think programmers' time is worthless? Now I'll have to waste at least 1 hour in a useless meeting because they cba to THINK before giving out specs?!

Goddammit. Nice monday.

  • 2
    Did they tell you they want the abs/rel difference between rate1 and rate2?

    Most of the times these things get lost in translation. But even more often, if it's black on white and they wrote down the formula, then it's definitely their fault :)
  • 0
    They literally wrote me those formulas vi e-mail. I don't know what they were thinking 😂
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