
We accepted a property listing project for a client.
I have been looking online for references and inspiration regarding design, features, plugins etc.

And this is what I just found. I shit you not. $20 and you get everything. WTF.

May be I will just buy it and give it to my client. $20 and you have like 40 lines of features, if not lied, which are more than enough to meet my client's requirements.

Why the heck am I working?
Am I the one who is charging too high to my client?

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    Ok there is Extended License but it is still only $225.
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    @undef yep but including server and maintenance for a year.
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    @undef 1.8k with current high exchange rate. I'm from Myanmar/Burma. 2k for such Website including 1yr server and maintenance is not very cheap for my clients here.
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    @Bitwise it's not just a theme, it's the whole Laravel web app for $20.

    True they are selling in quantity and since I can't see their code, the quality is very doubtful.
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    Low-key it's a WordPress plugin
    Seriously though, can't go wrong with this.. but eh, that price seems janky as fuck :/ who the hell would code something like that for 20 bucks? I wouldn't even work for a single hour for that price, and designing and coding a theme of any kind takes many more.
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    @Condor it's not WordPress plugin. It's legit full blown website :3
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    @cursee Consider yourself lucky then :3 buy the thing and if it blends in well with your clients' request, easy $$$ :3 otherwise, still free code to add to your own stockpile! Win-win *!!! :D
    (*) depending on its convolution level of course
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    @Condor yea you are right. And I'm also sure that I will be able to write so many rants once I can read the source-code .

    BTW reading the comments scared me a bit. Documentation site is always down. Demo is always with bugs. etc etc *heavy-breathing*
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    > /mortgage-renter-calculators-wordpress-plugin
    > Sorry this is not a plugin
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    @Condor it's like asking me to buy it more and more 😝
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