Okay, I'll admit I hardly got any work done but doing some programming in a hammock was fun...

  • 6
    @SauceBoss I highly recommend programming in a hammock! It's good on the back, especially with a pillow for neck support. ;)

    Also, I don't personally own a hammock or have a porch. This was while I was on a roadtrip. I was staying in a hostel in Sacramento, California. The hostel was in this beautiful old mansion in downtown.
  • 2
    @SauceBoss You should totally get a hammock then!

    I'm always moving about and working on some project! I'm sure you can relate a bit. Here, I was grading student projects. I had just finished teaching a java class at a college and decided to hit the road after finals.
  • 2
    @SauceBoss Haha, I have a few unfinished projects too. :p

    I taught college for a year and high school for a few years. I'm a fan of CS education and I would have kept teaching but moved out of Los Angeles and accepted a job as a backend dev in Berlin.

    What about you? What's your experience like?
  • 2
    You are an inspiration.
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    I'm so jelly :D
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    @SauceBoss Yes, I've taken on some contract work as the sole developer. Though, I always bounce ideas around with dev friends and I have mentors or others I admire who I try to meet regularly to talk with and learn from.
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    @Cyanide Haha! I am? :p
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    @sleepyDevHead For sure! You are atleast trying to live life your way.
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    Nice photo!
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