
So while everyone is posting their devdesk, here I'm contemplating whether to clean or buy new or just roll back and ignore I have never seen this.

I'm in a mudaphuking closed air conditioning room. Where did all this came from?

  • 4
    Zom | evo/mou - ON

    zsh: command not found: Zom
    zsh: no such file or directory: evo/mou

    Hmmm :/ what exactly is this thing?
  • 3
    Stab it with that knife and get a new one
  • 3
    @RantSomeWhere Powershit *
  • 2
    Oh and if it's a speaker.. extract the drivers and amplifier circuit! You can easily embed them anywhere else in an enclosed area. Just ensure that the air pressure of whatever container you put it in can be manipulated by the drivers. Everything else like size or form is just a matter of resonances, which really aren't all that important.
  • 2
    @Condor @RantSomeWhere it's just an internal reference for logistics purpose 🤣 it's a mouse.

    @NoMad like start of this year 😝
  • 3
    @cursee Wow, that's just how recognizable it was then (: eh, just a mouse.. I'd ditch it. Too much wire, too much sticky goo on the bottom of her. Ain't no fucking good at all!
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