
So, today's comedy job story (and how depressive things become), and it's only 9:30.

Stressed PM assaults me at 8 to tell me what I have to do, standing next to me and dictacting stuff she wants done. Hate that.

As I went to a colleague to help her out with these fucking presentations (she "couldn't open them"), as I just arrived to her office my phone rings.

It's my PM. I'm 20m away, she calls me. Ok.

Me: "Yes?"
PM: "Hey Phlisg, erm, we are stuck in a conference room, can you come and open the door?"
Me: "Erm, the door has no handle, can't help"
PM: "Can you call the "housekeeper"?"
Me: "Sure" (why the hell doesn't she have his number...)

I go downstairs, go towards the conference room, and before the door there is the reception office. I ask the colleagues in there if the "housekeeper" is here, but they instead produced the handle from their drawers, and went to the door to open it.

At the same time, a person locked inside the conference room went through the window to go round and try to open the door.

Door successfully opened by colleague with handle.

I mean...




You have a problem? One reflex: call Phlisg. She might call me at 2 am in the morning because she cannot sleep or something.


  • 7
    That's certainly one way to discourage meetings.
  • 4
    @Root hahaha someone understood that meetings are a waste of time indeed!
  • 5
    I can see why you are pissed, but as an outsider, it's hilarious to read. Thanks for sharing.

    Wtf why is the doorhandle in some drawer instead of being installed on the door? How did they get in in the first place?
  • 3
    @hasu glad I made you laugh :)

    Ah, something I indeed didn't say, is that the door is currently getting a paintjob, so the handle has been removed and placed away. Just silly that these people don't notice that upon entering the room...
  • 3
    @Phlisg If the door is being painted anyway why not just use another room. lol.

    But yeah, how did they don't notice. I mean, the person who closes the door behind themselves as they enter as last, how the f did they not notice.
  • 2
    @hasu true, we only have two conference rooms, maybe the other one was taken (but that one has a handle!!) for the same period haha

    Yeah, I don't understand neither... apparently the last person entering the room (and the one who got out through the window), pushed thoughtlessly the door shut, and immediately noticed the irony :D
  • 1
    I'd have left that mindless idiot that got locked in the room to their own devices.. natural selection ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
    Or better yet, lock both of those idiots in there! But then they may still be able to reproduce ๐Ÿค” eh, maybe better not to I guess. Still though.. damn humans are idiots at times. How those people never forget how to breathe, I have no idea.
  • 1
    dude, you're essential now :)

    Isn't that cool?
  • 1
    @Condor aaaand to finish the day...

    <Colleague gives a goodbye party>

    PM: Hey, I'm leaving now. Could you film <colleague's> speech?

    Me: errrr, my phone has a shitty quality (which is true), and I'm leaving soon too

    PM: oh ok, I'll ask <another nice colleague who's as gentle as I am>

    Kill me T_T

    @arcioneo definitely feels good! I have a reason to be alive hahaha
  • 1
    @Phlisg that PM gives speeches? Oh fuck, I'd love to see that but I'm not sure if I'd survive the cringe ๐Ÿคฃ
  • 1
    @Condor Hahaha nah, sorry badly written, she wanted me to film another colleague's departure speech

    Guess I'll leave before her anyway :D
  • 1
    @Phlisg perhaps it's for the best to leave early then ๐Ÿ™ƒ I mean, goodbye speeches? I never really got the idea behind that. You're an employee, not a celebrity. Why the fuck would you say any more than just goodbye? And if they're very fond of their coworkers (why leave then?) just take the whole crew to a pub or something? Have a laff over a couple of beers, way better than a stupid speech ๐Ÿคจ
  • 1
    @Condor well, it's a bit of a tradition, leaving employee throws an "apéro" as we say here (a bit of food and drink), director says goodbye speech, manager says goodbye speech, and then colleague gives a speech

    She gets presents from people in her department

    It's a bit too much and on my part don't want that to happen, but well :D

    Old "idyllic" company
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