

4-Stars-Hotel? My ass!!! This fucking shit of WiFi connection only serves like 10 requests then breaks. What the fuck is this shit?

Why is a damn WiFi connection in Germany like searching for water in the desert?

I fucking hate this hotel. You cunts ruin my fucking week.

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    It's because net neutrality is shit.
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    because germany is pretty last in terms of internet bandwith in europe.
    Years of neglected infrastructure. A Monoply by deutsche telekom which activity sabotages competition and the construction of fiber connections.
    And the german cosumer culture of stinginess has prevented "Neuland" to step into the technolgical future. Who needs this fad called internet anyway? Only costs money and distracts kids in school.
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    Wait until you try to find a free Wifi in your neighbourhood. It hardly exists because everyone is afraid of being bothered by lawyers once someone uploads pirated shit over their Wifi. I have mine also locked down.
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    If you think that's bad then try the UK

    Apparently 45% of us still use pure copper lines...

    Also, the fastest "fibre" package in my area is 24mbps 😂
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    I recall to have seen a video from Hak5 that mentioned that this is a standard in even luxury hotels. You know, the service is superb but the WiFi has been taken care of by the manager's gamer nephew... Some old-ass 56k modem backing it all. You get the idea, right. I think that said Hak5 video also mentioned that you can use the Ethernet wire that commonly sits in the TV to get high-speed internet.. or build yourself a biquad to be able to hear the lounge WiFi access point better. Too lazy to look it up now (and my PC is floating at dangerously high levels of RAM consumption and I don't want this shit to BSOD now) but if you look for "Hak5 hotel wifi" you should be able to find it.

    Edit: my PC made it without a BSOD. https://youtube.com/watch/...
    (please forgive his use of Kali and nano.. cancerous, I know)
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    @Condor I ended up hosting my own hotspot from my phone. 👌
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    @Condor ermmm, you know that PC's usually don't Crash when you use all of your ram, right? ^^'
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    @Krokoklemme it's WanBLowS so I expect it to BSOD even when I flick the mouse in a way that it doesn't like 🙃 most mindboggling case I've seen so far is it shitting itself when it wasn't even doing anything.. came back from the shower, only to see that it rebooted from a crash.. while it was doing nothing at all, just idling away.. Windows sure does work in strange ways... 🤔
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