
Gonna update my discord bot! But I'm gonna rewrite it all in JavaScript because FUCK Discord.py honestly a horrible community and shit docs it just didnt feel right at all the only reason i stuck with it because it was my senior project and my first big project

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    JDA master race
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    I use nodejs w/ "discord.js" package from npm works great so far
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    @Clear0Ff I was just using python and I didnt have the best time.. I love python but that api..
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    Can't disagree with that!
    Two years later, the community in #general channel of discord.py server is still a bunch of toxics and drivelers.

    (sorry for necropost)
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    @vintprox to this day it’s still the worst api I’ve worked with
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    @Bubbles Do you mind if I ask which library is better? (cross-language) Or you mean Discord API as a whole? Yep, I'd totally agree on that too, b/c it's plain arbitrary.
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    @vintprox I actually never got around to working with it sadly it’s still on my list though (I just dread picking JS back up lmfao)
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    @Bubbles When comparing to JS counterpart, I'd say discord.py is the most convenient, because it has commands parser out-of-the-box, and typings are less obnoxious.
    Sorry to hear that you had hard time with it though 😞 If you need help with bots, you can call me 😉
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    @vintprox from what I’ve seen, the JS api looks a lot easier to use and seems like it interfaces with discord a lot better than the python api
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