

Found a nice method that does what you want? DEPRECATED.

Finally got that adaptive payment workflow all figured out? BREAKING CHANGES.

Want to use that new feature with your langs library? UNSUPPORTED.

Braintree isn't much better.

  • 2
    _I know it's not exactly docs, but the docs compound this issue even further._
  • 4
    Yap! Also they decide to update the Web layout with a interesting tactic. 60% pages get new design, 20% stay with the old one and 20% update to broken links. Fucking great
    Hello Stripe beta
  • 0
    Hahahahaha recently they released new one or just upgraded their API. Idk idfc
  • 0
    Braintree too? And to think I was going to go with them on a project I wanted to start last year; I guess I dodged the bullet there.
  • 1
    @kshep92 I'll admit Braintree isn't as bad as its big brother but only because of the smaller feature set - less docs and less potential.
  • 1
    Seriously guys. I need to sleep or tomorrow I can write my awesome shitty code. Stop posting interesting stuff
  • 1
    @kshep92 I just finished a day working with Braintree and I'm not sure if things have changed or I wasn't giving them a chance but the docs aren't that bad and flow is way simpler than I remembered. Went from Paypal (vanilla) to Braintree in maybe 6 hours including tests.

    gg Braintree.
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