
I know this isn’t dev related at all but...

Nor is it a question, as my fat finger set it to...

Eminem just dropped a surprise album at midnight last night. No promotion, no bullshit. Just straight hip hop.

And the album cover is a throw back to the beastie boys!

If you can’t tell already, I am super pumped about this!!!

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    IMO that should be the way music should go. No fuss, no noise, no "we're dropping an album one year from now", just music itself. I haven't listened to it yet, but maybe I'll do.
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    I accidentally saw that he dropped a new album 1 hour after release and i fucking fell in love with that dope album
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    Yessss just saw the news a couple of hours ago and man is the album amazing!

    It's nothing groundbreaking imo but he just goes at it no bs. No fat. All muscle. Just the fact that he disses around 17 different rappers in 1 album has me so psyched! It's just raw. Yes I may be a bit too excited ๐Ÿ˜ถ
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    @Ryhazerus Nah man.

    Your just excited enough!
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    I used to like Eminem... Until he stopped being the creepy guy rapping about creepy stuff. I just listened to that album like a couple of hours ago. He is copying some of the modern rap styles. I personally don't like those and much rather Em go back to being Shady.
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    Just to clarify, i don't like modern rap at all. I guess you can say that I'm still on the rap from NWA, 2Pac, and Eazy-E. Em was different because of his lyrical ability and rapping about some creepy shit.
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    If he has one of thise songs with rihanna ot fucking ed sheran its fucking shit!
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    @MrCSharp im like you though i dont mind some new stuff either. Lil dicky is pretty cool๏ผŒ therealak has a few good ones๏ผŒ lil pump has good beats but fucking stupid lyrics and childgambino is pretty cool too. I mean i like psychedelic rock but i enjoy my rap too.
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    I listened to it quickly.

    I threw up.
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    @MrCSharp 2Pac is just raw gold. I could hear it 24/7
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    I'm just sitting here waiting for the fallout with all the people he dissed ๐Ÿ˜†
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    @Mathew-77 Honeslty, I don’t think even one of them will respond in any meaningful way.

    Em is on such a higher level than these clowns that it would be like a child trying to attack an adult. They may talk big around the other kids but they know that if the piss off the adult enough the will crush their windpipe with one hand.

    With that said, I’d love to see it happen. I mean, Em and 50 essentially destroyed the career of Ja Rule when he was the biggest shit on earth. Just imaging what he would to to some bumbly, mumble, drug-addicted, face tattoo having, worthless rapper.

    I’d watch that!
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    Yeah man !!!! ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ Our man gave us an awesome surprise !
    My rant about it :
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    @Hubot-0x58 please, EM's LegShot is nothing compared to Rap Devil. I love both, but MGK stood his ground and won respect and fans.
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    @Hubot-0x58 lol looks like you've made your mind already and decided to follow the rest of the pack. That's cool.

    I first listened to MGK when he did a feat with DMX in "I Don't Dance" but then I got introduced to his other tracks: Merry Go Round (Listen to this), D3MONS, 27, The Gunner, Alpha Omega, Breaking News (listen to this) and realized he is a good rapper that I enjoy.

    As for Eminem, I've listened to all of his songs, no one denies he is the greatest, but in this instance, in my opinion, he lost.

    Oh, one last thing: I don't care about YouTube comments coming from 12 year olds who were introduced to rap listening to Lil Yachty ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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    Everyone is welcome to their own opinion, no matter how incorrect it may be.

    The opinion that MGK had a better diss track is one of those opinions.

    Let’s look at it objectively, what makes a good diss track?

    1. Lyrics: well obviously. And in this I can say that it wasn’t even a contest, Eminem murdered it and MGKs verses were just good for his level of ability.

    3. Beat: both has a pretty good beat for a diss record.

    2. Did it hurt:

    MGK “your old”

    Em “you would suck a dick to fucking be me for s second” yes, MGK would...

    “My biggest flops are your greatest hits” yup, the greatest album or single that MGK has ever (or will ever) had is a blip on the radar of failure for Eminem.

    The truth hurts.

    3. Popular opinion: (the least important today) but let’s realize that Killshot is, at the moment of typing this, the #3 hottest song in the world according to the Billboard top 100 charts. A diss track is the just narrowly loosing out to Drake and Eminem waited almost 2 weeks to even launch it as a single that could chart. If thats taking an L then I’d love to see what someone considers winning.

    I actually gained respect for MGK for responding. It took guts.

    I’m not here to tell anyone what to believe, everyone should have their own opinion...

    It just so happens that the opinion that MGK “won” is an entirely garbage opinion.
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    @leanrob touché brother !
    I mean to all those people who say mgk had better bars. I ask them to give some examples.
    I really wanna know how rap devil was better open mindedly.
    Is it just because you guys supported mgk a little too much initially and now it's too awkward to admit he failed ? Idk.
    Mgk was cool for trying to do what someone has never done. He got the fame. Ok
    But then he is being in complete denial. Refusing to come to terms with the truth. Bragging to much. Then releasing stuff like Binge, to nullify everything. It's kinda irritating. He wd have benefited way more had he not been a jerk. Rap devil gained him a lot of respect. And he got that one shot to sieze everything,but the man blew it. So mgk don't exist no more in my opinion.
    Also I feel rap devil got 1st prize in a single person race. And I wonder what that would have been without the Eminem click bait.
    Killshot has just proved its better. I mean a diss track, doing this well on the charts.Says a lot about it
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