
Eminem droped the coolest surprise album !!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Omfg !

All the mumble rappers can tikcus !

  • 9
    >Shows the exhaust of MiG

    Excuse me what the fuck?
  • 2
    @Gregozor2121 what's wrong ? Kamikaze implies to self destruction, doesn't have to be Japanese 🙄
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    I don't like Eminem's music, but I think this is a pretty cool move. No bullshit.
  • 6
    @RememberMe I mean the man dropped an album without any prior publicity. Bold .
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    Personally from what I've listened to so far I'm not as fond of it but the older ones I'm okay with
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    @ceee precisely, there's way too much publicity and marketing in music these days.
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    @-BSD Stan forever 🔥 man !!!
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    The first half is pretty nice, the second half sucks imo.
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    He believes in himself and his audience.
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    @Gregozor2121 You know that the term Kamikaze comes from the WWII when the Japanese dropped their planes on enemy planes if there was nothing else they could do.
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    @ceee The album is fire from front to back. This album has made my month!
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    @leanrob yeah man !!!🔥🔥🔥🔥
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    Lol. The dude is a super star. Probably the biggest rapper of all times. And im not saying this in music quality but on hoe heavy hr weights in the industry.

    Launching an album with no matketing was not bold, it was strategically smart but it couldnt go wrong. He is too famous.

    And this is personal taste but his origins are by far the real thing. He sounds like an experimental pop star.

    He has reached the pinnacle where he could shit in a bowl and people would call it art.

    Sorry for ranting this hard but i really dont think what he does is even close to how good he was before.hes trapped into the pink, ed sheran, rihanna and all those other bullshit popstar crap.
  • 4
    @Santaclauze don't you remember him saying he found a Hell-a-way to fuse it (hip hop and pop) 🤣
    You are totally free to share and stand by your opinion. 😊
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    I'm a fan but I don't really like the new music he makes but its okay I guess. Very cool he releases this out of nothing.
  • 4
    In the ocean of meaningless lyrics Eminem is a savior.
    With so many legendary songs.
    The one who embodies fearlessness and intensity like no other.
    His songs are like tornadoes of emotions, tsunami of words........
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    My ears are bleeding
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    @notAnkur aww that's sad.
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    @notAnkur r/wooshh
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