
Since nobody is following the "outside" part of wk119, here you go.

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    What is the left screen?
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    @nobes an improved version of this: https://devrant.com/rants/1352023/...
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    Is the left screen 24/7 on? have had any image burned in? also what's the led thing on the monitor table.
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    @JoshBent most times, i turn the screen off manually when going to bed, but no burned in image at all.(:
    Isn't that a thing on "plasma screens", or what they called, only?

    The LED thing is custom made to fit my desk and the positioning of my second screen. It has a fullcolor led strip on the back, controlled by IR, so nothing fancy, and additionally has some lights on the underside, which are pretty bright, to allow me to enlighten the whole desk. (if you want, i post an image with them turned on)
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    It's OR outside.
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    @neodite oh damn, you are so right. Thanks..😂
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    @nitwhiz I meant the network switch looking thing and LCD also have their own type of burning iirc
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    @JoshBent oh, that's a hdmi matrix, allowing me to display pc and/or xbox where i want. Both can be on tv and/or the left computer screen.
    It has 4 inputs and 2 outputs, so the other 2 inputs come in handy when working with raspberry pis and stuff.😊

    Oh I didn't know about that.🤔
    Let's say it's turned on for about 18 hours a day for over a year. No burnings for now.
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    @nitwhiz try to display a white background and see if there's slight silhouettes of the most displayed item that's never changing 😉

    The HDMI splitter sounds interesting, what model is it exactly? could need it if I ever expand my setup as I wanted it.
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    @JoshBent I don't see anything, but I'm going to check that from time to time, now that you said it :D

    It's the Liqoo HDMI Matrix 4x2, here is the (German) Amazon link:


    It's pretty cheap for what it is imho, but it does it's job flawless. Only downside: When the input signal is offline, it displays a 4:3 bluescreen on the output side, instead of turning off that output or something, but it saves it's "settings" on turning off the device, so it's another button I press every morning and every evening.^^
  • 1
    @nitwhiz awesome thanks!
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