it works and i have no fucking idea how

  • 2
    Then it probably doesn't, test it for all possible outcomes, find edge cases where it fails and adjust.
  • 0
    If you can't understand it, it's not finished. And probably noone else will understand it either which is terrible. Try to figure out how it works and clean it up.
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    That is kind of the point of high level languages. You dont have to understand it to make it work.
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    @simulate Biologists understand animals without understanding the physics behind them.

    Computer language abstraction is the same. You still have to understand it, but the basic block of knowledge, which you take more or less as an axiom is larger.
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    @PetarP yeah, I agree with you it is just a different resolution, and that makes it easier to see the large picture, or get more done fast.
    I just frequently see people saying they dont understand why their tech works, which is kind of ignorant imo. I think every programmer should at least know a little about the low level of his tech. After all, thats what its made of. Same in biology. You would not like to talk to a biologist who does not want to learn about chemistry.
    But as I said, the point of high level languages is so that you dont have to worry about whats under the hood, it is supposed to help you stay ignorant and have everything work anyways (to a certain degree) and that is good in some ways, but can become harmful in others. And I think it is not so good when you dont know what is happening anymore, even in the big picture.
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