
So was just reading this article about Chinese people becoming more lonely and it mentioned Xiao Ice which is pretty much like Google's... What's her name?

It said how people can talk to it like an actual person so I gave it a try... Well it's just as dumb as the others...


  • 7
    So I don't know any Chinese, but I've tried Replika (another one of those chatbot things that is supposed to be able to become your best friend) and the English parts are pretty much how any longer chat with it goes for me. I suppose it would be rather scary if the bots started passing the Turing test, but still kinda disappointing.
  • 3
    Will they send nudes tho? XD
  • 3
    @HoloDreamer actually i did ask if she watches porn... she said no but then adds: (thinks: yes yes yes! i do!)

    But no she won't go into the details. Seems they dont have memory, just responds to whatever was just sent
  • 0
    Oh I could've just asked her on my phone... Google's is called Google Assistant... Guess that's why I never remembered it...
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