
Was just told that my week is going to be spent changing 700ish image names from "some-image-name" to "some-image-name1"... for "SEO" benefits. Seriously, what the heck... :? Nothing good can come of this...

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    Hopefully not by hand / manually changing them?
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    There's a nifty Finder extension I use for this kinda stuff. I wonder if it could be node-ified! Hmmm... project!!
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    PowerShell, bash, or if you're feeling froggy, RegEx is really good for doing mundane bullshit like this.
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    @turturtles Oh yes, by hand. And to make things worse we need to connect to the client server through a slow remote desktop to complete this task. :(
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    @ingenioushax the project is an asp net site in visual studio... i'm pretty rusty with it but i bet i can find the find/replace tool command.
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    Did you ask exactly how this benefits SEO?
    Cause it sounds like a workaround for another problem, that could perhaps have an easier solution.

    #buzzwordism #SEOIsTheNewSoothsaying
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    @tanooki, ctrl+shift f. However, that won't teenage the actual files that are being used, just references in the code.
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    change** fucking auto correct
  • 2
    I personally would find a way to programmatically do it, with RegEx(I know it's a bane to some programmers but it's a necessary and useful tool!). Even if it took me longer to write a script for it, in the end it would probably save time once you understand that everything is just a file and if you can open a file and search for text then you can do it in a jiffy next time.
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