
New forum post! "Here are some useful links:"
- useful link
- semi-useful link
- link to some random URL, hosting a PDF of the print view of a Wikipedia article, from 2007(???)

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    Usually, it's
    - Link you've been on
    - 404
    - Link you had to read before entering the site anyway
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    @filthyranter Recently I wanted to get an image from a music compilation video from YouTube. There were 7 images in the video, 6 links in the description, 1 of those actually linked to an image, the others all had unique errors: generic 404, custom 404, moved permanently, empty response and forwarding to homepage.
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    @Fabian People don't know how to use image hosts, do they?
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    @filthyranter Hey, at least it wasn't Pinterest. And I got the image in the end, but only by reverse-image-searching using a screenshot of the video. Also, web.archive.org ftw.
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